Friday, December 26, 2014

Why turn the page?

I have always had a passion for talking and people; however, I never knew I had one for writing. I have had the desire to write and blog for a couple of years now but the dream only became a reality when I was pushed by a good friend at midnight in the middle of finals week (all play, no study). So I already knew exactly what I would title my blog, and that is basically what life calls us to do, turn pages. 

Turn the page. As deep as my desire was to write there has NEVER been the desire to read for me. However there have been those divinely sent books, the ones that you can not stop, you're up at 3AM wide-eyed and determined to just see what happens next. So, I have had some book interventions in my life and I have stayed up way too late reading them instead of doing what I actually needed to do to not be a bum, but I didn't. Life is kind of like one of those books for me. Life is a story, a romance, a drama, a mystery, a thriller, a page turner, a novel, and its one we can't help but read. As a girl I tend to fall love with the triumphs of my character and despise the failures and tear-jerkers; I love a good story and I love to re-read certain ones, and I'm not talking about books. I have a horrible tendency to be a repeat offender, to not learn from the mistake, to keep reading the same page over and over expecting the words to change right before my eyes. Guess what...they don't. Once the page is written, its written! We aren't writing in pencil and life doesn't have an eraser. 

Okay confession session: I LOVE analogies, and I'm pretty sure I can find an analogy for anything, hence this whole blog. So my life analogy is that life is in fact a book, one you and a beautiful creator are writing, in pen. How will your story turn out? Will it be a short story of one genre where there is only one page, or will it be a eloquently co-authored novel about redemption and wisdom of what was and is to come? Life is not easy by any means, but if we do not turn the page we will continue to make the same mistakes and never see and learn new things. 

Paul so perfectly describes life as a race in Hebrews 12: 1-3 "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart." This is so beautiful for so many reasons but mainly because it gives us encouragement to keep going, keep fighting, keep running, keep reading. 

So now we have two choices: 

1. We can stay on the same page, the same season of life, the same toxicity we seem to be surrounded by. This is the easiest choice, no doubt. It is the choice we often don't even realize we are making because we live in a society where mediocrity and being content are the norm. We are told that reaching for our dreams is stupid and to make sure you do something that is attainable, understood by everyone around you, socially accepted, and what everyone else tells you that you should be doing. This choice is the easiest, and at times seems to be the better and safest choice. 


2. We can choose to turn the page, step into the unknown, embrace uncertainty. This choice is not for the faint at heart or those who want to be nothing more than what someone else tells them they should be. This is the narrow road, the faint flicker at the end of a dark, scary tunnel, the lamp only shone at your feet for your next step. This choice requires faith, blind faith at that. It requires us to completely defy what the world tells us we should be doing or achieving, and choose to turn the page into the complete unknown. 

The question is what is your choice? The most broken roads often lead to the most extravagant places. "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few." (Matthew 9:37) The choice can only be made by you, and it is all yours. 

Turn the page! 
