Wednesday, March 18, 2015

You never stop mistaking

As we know life is a book, a book that is written by the minute. I often find myself thinking "When will I ever get this right?" "When will I stop making mistakes?" I have discovered that this tends to be the thought process of many of the people I encounter on a daily basis. It is almost like we have this invisible standard that we feel we must meet and one day we will get it all right and not make these dumb decisions or mistakes again. Well the fact of the matter is that we won't. We won't ever get it right.

In my short life I have found myself making a wide array of mistakes which can be day-changing or life-changing. But it is through these mistakes that I learn some of the greatest lessons. Yes, I do like it when I hear a story from someone else or advice given that completely changes my thought process and allows me to learn without dealing with a specific situation; however, it isn't those moments that make the lasting impressions. Now by no means am I saying that a good sermon or Sunday brunch chat about life mean nothing and aren't worth remembering, but it is the scars we have that are instant reminders of the fire.

Mistakes are apart of life, just as choices are, and you have two choices: You can sink into the self loathing depression we all get caught in at times or you can pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and take the lessons the challenge hands you. Even in the darkest and deepest points of situations there are always lessons to be learned. At the end of some very long roads, that I have chosen to go down, I can look back and see at least one lesson I've learned, even if it is to just trust my instinct the next time.

Failing and making mistakes doesn't mean you are a horrible person. It doesn't mean that you will never learn. It doesn't mean that you are a failure. It doesn't mean that you don't deserve love. It doesn't mean that you are anything negative. It DOES mean that you are a growing human. It DOES mean that you are learning. It DOES mean that you are living fearlessly. It means you're not perfect and you are turning pages.

So keep making mistakes, keep growing, keep running the race, keep falling down and keep getting back up. Life is truly about turning the pages and writing your beautiful story. SO cheers the imperfect people, the racers, the writers, and those who choose to not be defined by anything but their own story and their ability to get back up.

Turn the Page!
